Bacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation
An Alternate Education SystemGeneral Info
Programs & Facilities
The management is in the hands of world renowned educationists who are not only aware of the contemporary education systems in the industrialized world but also deeply familiar with the indigenous values.
A Child Friendly Education System, with monitoring and evaluation at multiple levels, was developed aiming for preselected Specific Learning Outcomes. These SLOs promote following
a. Critical Thinking
b. Multiple Skill
c. Indigenous Knowledge
d. Aesthetic Sense
The management believes that Critical Thinking leads to positive and balanced creativity while blocking minds to Critical Thinking in the emotional, Physical, intellectual and social dependency.
In the present world, even ordinary professions are highly complex and require multiple skills. The inculcation of such skills at school level would promote the development of accomplished youth.
Indigenous knowledge encompasses collective intellect accumulated over generations, and ignoring it for import-knowledge would not bring any fruit. Baacha Khan Schools try to inculcate among the young generation to master the modern on the basis of cultural and historical identity.
Appreciating visible and invisible beauty is the charm of life and somehow the development of all civilizations is actually the preservation of the beautiful. BK Schools are hard at work for the development of a strong Aesthetic Sense.
Number of Schools
Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation was established in March 2007, and soon it opened two schools in Peshawar and Charsadda. After the enormous success of these schools, with the support of the communities, 12 other schools were opened spreading throughout Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. Currently, 14 Baacha Khan Schools are at work in different parts of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and FATA in implementing Critical Model of Education, Culture Model of Education and Peace and Environmental Model of Education developed by Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation.
Community Support through CEC
Community is the key stakeholder in Baacha Khan Schools as eventually It has to take full charge of the school. Elected parents and other active community members have been given opportunity to involve in the schools activities through Community Education Committees (CEC). The CEC consists of both male and female members and its core function is to safeguard school property and serve as a check on dropout and absence besides giving input in admissions and resource generations.
Teaching Faculty
The teaching faculty of BK Schools go through a number of screening tests for the purpose of selection. Only highly qualified and competent individuals are selected through merit. At present, majority of the teachers are female who are professionally trained and possess a high spirit of service.
The system inspires its students to develop democratic values, tolerance and inter faith harmony. The focus is on making children confident, self-reliant and productive citizens realized through imparting hard soft key skills.
Admission Procedure
Admissions are open throughout March and April. Students have to go through an entry test which is necessary for their proper placement. The doors are open for all but priority is given to the needy. In-session admissions are subject to availability of seats.
Culture Curriculum
Identity is the basic requirement of every human being. Today, though the ratio of education is very low. Yet a number of degree holders can be found without any direction for their lives. Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation, realizing the fact, developed the culture Curriculum and implemented it in all Baacha Khan Schools. In this way, communities were given the tool to develop a strong sense of identity and belongingness in the new generations.
Schools System In
The education system in Baacha Khan Schools aims to develop a pluralist democratic Society based on the concepts of Universal Love, Democracy and Pluralism, and responsive Institutions. Such a society will have the capacity of peaceful global co-existence and will contribute significantly to humanity.
The management is in the hands of world renowned educationists who are not only aware of the contemporary education systems in the industrialized world but also deeply familiar with the indigenous values.
Our Mission & Vision
The intellectual stagnancy in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa demands that we develop a narrative based on indigenous knowledge, collective will, and pluralism. In this regard, a system of education is the best possible means to rebuild cultural institutions, ensure individual’s rights and liberties and work for mutual coexistence thus reducing conflicts and building sustainable peace. Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation (BKTEF) has undertaken this sacred responsibility of taking critical quality education to the nook and corner of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The BKTEF is the continuation of the struggle started by the great reformist of the 20th century Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan alias Baacha Khan who was instrumental in introducing the concept of Community-Based Schools by establishing more than 100 schools in the late 1920s.
The education system in Baacha Khan Schools aims to develop a pluralist democratic Society based on the concepts of Universal Love, Democracy and Pluralism, and responsive Institutions. Such a society will have the capacity of peaceful global co-existence and will contribute significantly to humanity.
The management is in the hands of world renowned educationists who are not only aware of the contemporary education systems in the industrialized world but also deeply familiar with the indigenous values.
A Child Friendly Education System, with monitoring and evaluation at multiple levels, was developed aiming for preselected Specific Learning Outcomes. These SLOs promote following
a. Critical Thinking
b. Multiple Skill
c. Indigenous Knowledge
d. Aesthetic Sense
The management believes that Critical Thinking leads to positive and balanced creativity while blocking minds to Critical Thinking in the emotional, Physical, intellectual and social dependency.
In the present world, even ordinary professions are highly complex and require multiple skills. The inculcation of such skills at school level would promote the development of accomplished youth.
Indigenous knowledge encompasses collective intellect accumulated over generations, and ignoring it for import-knowledge would not bring any fruit. Baacha Khan Schools try to inculcate among the young generation to master the modern on the basis of cultural and historical identity.
Appreciating visible and invisible beauty is the charm of life and somehow the development of all civilizations is actually the preservation of the beautiful. BK Schools are hard at work for the development of a strong Aesthetic Sense.
Introductory video
Head office
Bacha Khan Markaz
Pajjagi Road, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
School Hours
M-S: 8am – 2pm
Weekend: Closed On Sunday
Phone & Email
Managing Director Message
” Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget ipsum sed, convallis”
What intellectuals are Saying
“Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur.”
“Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: Bacha Khan Markaz, Pajjagi Road, Peshawar.
Telephone: (091) 2246851-2-3
Office Hours: M-S: 8am – 3pm
Non-Discrimination Policy
Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Pellentesque in ipsum.